Wednesday 17 December 2014

Steam Powered Stories Newsletter

Happy Wednesday! 

This is the last Steam Powered Stories blog post of 2014, and to say thank you for supporting us in our journey of changing attitudes towards maths so far, we are giving you two early Christmas presents! 

Your first present is our Steam Powered Stories newsletter that we are sending to anyone that requests it. 
The newsletter contains information about the projects we have administered throughout the latter half of 2014, technological advancements, social media developments, and a thanks to all our supporters. 

Below is a sneaky preview of the newsletter that you can request by simply filling in our contact form on the left hand side of the blog, stating that you would like to receive our newsletter. 

Your second present is that we are giving away FREE Christmas Activity Packs and Learning Activity Packs, and all you have to do to receive our pack is like us on Facebook, then tell us in the contact form (on the left hand side of our blog) what pack you would like. 

We are giving away both packs up until 19th December, so if you would like both packs simply let us know in the contact form on the left hand side of the blog. 

Don't forget to let us know in the contact form that you have liked us on Facebook when you request your pack! 

Lastly, we would like to say thanks to all our followers, and our readers that religiously read our blog every Wednesday. 
Your support really means the world to us, and we can't wait to continue changing attitudes towards numeracy with you in 2015. 

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Do you want a FREE Christmas Activity Pack?

Christmas is nearly upon us, and today, we are giving away FREE Christmas Activity Packs to keep your children occupied as they count down the days until Santa arrives. 

The pack subsists of various worksheets of maths activities so your child can have fun and still learn. Varying in difficulty, the worksheets will challenge your child, but will also encourage them to strive to be the best they can possibly be. 

If you're child enjoys working through our Christmas pack, you can also request our FREE Learning Activity packs that is filled with maths activities and fun worksheets for your child to complete. 

To request your FREE Christmas Pack, or our Learning Activity Pack today, simply fill in the contact form on the left hand side of the blog. Or if you want to request both the Christmas and Learning Activity packs, let us know when filling in the contact form.

Don't forget to look back over our previous blog posts, especially our '5 ways in which' posts that consider how maths is used in various job roles, and last week's post so you can stay up-to-date with the What you say COUNTS scheme. 

Thanks for reading! 

Wednesday 3 December 2014

December Catch Up!

Here at SPS, we can't believe December has arrived. We're only three days in to December and we're already counting down the days until the big day! Are you counting too?
Our post today, titled, 'December Catch Up' is just to sum up what we've been doing in the past couple of weeks, and what is to come for the What you say COUNTS! project. 

Croeserw CEC's Christmas Craft Fayre 
Yesterday, Emily and Hayley attended Croeserw CEC's Christmas Craft Fayre to promote the WYSC scheme, and raise awareness of what we do as an organisation. The day was very successful, and Hayley and Emily thoroughly enjoyed promoting the scheme in the area. 
Developing our services 
We mentioned in an earlier post that we are in the process of working with students of the University of South Wales to develop our services.
 The students have worked closely with us to not only analyse our services to improve them, but they are also in the process of creating and developing new services for us too e.g., creating a maths app, moodle, flash service. 
We are very excited to incorporate the new advancements into our workshops! 

Evaluation results
We posted a few weeks ago about our Finance for Life workshop that we ran in Ysgol Maessyderwen, and today we'd like to share some of the results we received from the pupils that took part. 
As you can see from the table below, 37 pupils claimed that our workshop changed the way they considered maths, with 38 pupils stating that the Finance for Life workshop helped develop their understanding of maths. 
This is exactly what we aimed to achieve. Our workshops strive to change attitudes towards maths, and our ultimate aim is to get 100% positive feedback from students, and we are working hard to attain this result! 
We have more maths workshops booked for 2015 with various schools around Wales, and we can't wait to deliver our services, and change attitudes! 

Have you seen the Education Begins at Home tv advert? 
As you know from our aim, (which is to change attitudes towards maths) we believe that education does begin at home. If a parent states "I can't do maths" in front of their child, their child will begin to adopt the same belief, consequently not being able to achieve the results they deserve in life. 

Below is the Education Begins at Home advert. By clicking the image you can watch the advert now. 
Let us know in the comment box below what you think of the advert! 

If you want to change your child's attitudes towards maths, do it today and request a FREE LEARNING ACTIVITY PACK that is filled with both maths and Christmas work sheets! Simply fill in the contact form on the left hand side of the blog, (remember to state your child's age). 

'5 ways in which' series 
Have you read our previous blog posts that feature 5 ways in which maths is used in various jobs? Below are the links to a few of our '5 ways in which' blog posts so you can strive to attain your dream job! 

Beauty industry- 




Thanks for reading!