Wednesday 25 June 2014

Welcome to Steam Powered Stories' What you say COUNTS! blog

Welcome to the What you say counts! blog
What you say counts! is a Welsh government funded project that aims to raise awareness of numeracy and to prevent an adult saying 'I can't do maths' in front of their children, a term that subconsciously encourages the younger generation to believe they can't do maths. 
Steam Powered Stories, in association with Learn & Grow, aims to obliterate the belief that a child cannot do maths by not only creating links between schools and businesses to ensure that pupils understand that numeracy is used in everyone's working lives whether they are a fireman, or a fitness instructor, but also strives to inform and educate students through workshop based learning to understand that numeracy can be fun and easy to understand.
Tune in to this blog every Wednesday where we will be posting a weekly post that could feature how maths is used in everyone's everyday working lives, what we have done, or will be doing each week, or even fun maths games to keep your children occupied. 

Thanks for reading!

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