Wednesday 15 October 2014

100% feedback!

It's Wednesday, which means its time for a new Steam Powered Stories blog post!

Today we have exciting news to share with you. 

Over the past couple of months, we have not only been developing our services by considering how our workshops can be better and more effective for the pupils taking part, we have also asked pupils, parents, and employers to fill in evaluation forms so that we can analyse how others perceive us as an organisation, and more importantly, our services. 

After gathering and analysing the feedback received, we have had 100% positive feedback
and we would like to thank all pupils, parents, and employers that have supported us!

Below are ten comments from pupils that took part in the workshop that we administered in Builth Wells High School last month. 

1) "Makes me want to try harder" 

2) "People were nice. Quite fun" 

3) You are doing good in the world" 

4) "It was eye opening" 

5) "They made me realise how important it is" 

6) "A variety of jobs need maths" 

7) "Many more jobs use maths than I had expected e.g hairdressing!" 

8) "Very useful and informative people"

9) "Didn't realise how much maths was used in these jobs" 

10) "It is in more jobs than you think"

If you have taken part in our workshops, or perhaps we met on an event, feel free to fill in our contact form (on the left hand side of the blog) stating who you are and what you think of our services. Your opinion is greatly appreciated! 

We are still looking for employers for our events coming up in November. If you are an employer that would like to take part in a workshop that helps pupils see that maths is used in every job role, call Hayley today on 01685 872385

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook! 

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