Tuesday 10 February 2015

Maths Fun Day in Dwr-Y-Felin Comprehensive School

Happy Wednesday! 
Today's post is about our Maths Fun Day we delivered in Dwr-Y-Felin Comprehensive School, Neath, on Wednesday 4th February. We have worked with Dwr-Y-Felin Comprehensive School previously, administering another Maths Fun Day at the school back in July 2014, so we couldn't wait to return and continue maintaining contacts, and continuing making maths fun and educational for the 240 year seven pupils that took part in our workshop. 

The day was divided into four workstations where students learnt and developed their maths skills through building towers with lego, by challenging each other in our start to finish maths game, through putting their maths skills to the test by playing our Who Wants to be a Mathionaire interactive game, and becoming inspiring entrepreneurs through our mini Dragons' Den project.  

Our tower building project challenged pupils to build a tower of Lego to represent different percentages. The start to finish project focused on getting pupils to calculate maths equations quickly. Pupils thrived in racing against their fellow class mates in both these projects, to see who could complete the tasks the fastest.

We believed that incorporating our Dragons' Den workshop into the Maths Fun Day also meant that students could become aspiring entrepreneurs and learn and develop their maths skills in the process. 
During the workshop, students had to invent an innovative business idea, complete market research, calculate how much they would sell their products for, and consider profit and loss. This would have been a new task for many of the year seven pupils, but the students thoroughly enjoyed delving into the world of business, creating new and innovative ideas, and considering if their idea was actually achievable. 

 Our 'Who Wants to be a Mathionaire' project aimed to gave Chris Tarrant a run for his money, as pupils worked in small groups to answer maths questions to ultimately become a Mathionaire! Pupils thoroughly enjoyed playing this interactive game as they began to realise that maths is used in their everyday lives, whether they were putting their maths skills to the test to play and achieve in this game, or working out if they have enough money to pay for their school dinner each day. 

Overall, the day was very successful. Pupils engaged with each project, and enjoyed the transition between each work station as they moved onto a new project, and a new maths task. We hope that we proved to Dwr-Y-Felin year seven pupils that maths is fun and enjoyable! 

We are heading to Powys PRU to administer our Dragons Den workshop on 27/02/2015, and we can't wait to prove to more young people that maths is needed everyday, and for that reason, everyone should believe they can be good at maths! 

Thanks for reading. 
Don't forget to head back to this blog next Wednesday for a brand new post! 

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