Tuesday 24 March 2015

Thank you for your support!

It's a sad day here at SPS, as today will be the last blog post from us, as our three running projects are coming to an end. 

As many of you will know, the numeracy project, What you say COUNTS! has been our longest running project, and we have thoroughly enjoyed the process of changing attitudes towards maths over the past two years. 

We hope that we have inspired comprehensive school pupils to realise that maths is used in everyone's everyday working lives, inspiring them to reach for their future career goals and achieve them. We also hope that we have encouraged younger children who have spoken to us on community days, or have completed our learning packs to realise that maths is actually fun! 

To those who have had a keen interest in changing their own negative attitude towards numeracy, we hope that we have proved that maths can be comprehensible, engaging, and compelling if you give the subject a chance to be. 

If you are a parent who has requested our Learning Activity Pack, our Christmas Activity Pack for your child, or have supported us by following us on Facebook or Twitter, we would like to say thanks to you too. Your support has encouraged us to strive to achieve more than we possibly believed we could. 

Although this is the end of the pilot scheme, we hope this isn't goodbye. We are hoping to get more funding to continue administering the scheme, so ensure you like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter so we can keep you updated with any developments (links to our Facebook/Twitter below) 

Thanks for your support! 

Tuesday 10 March 2015

We would love to hear your feedback!

Happy Wednesday!

 Since the What you say COUNTS! project began, we have administered various workshops, advertised, and attended events throughout Wales, and ultimately changed negative attitudes towards maths, and as the What You Say COUNTS! project will be coming to an end soon, we would love to get your feedback about our services. 

If you have been part of our workshops, spoken to us when we have been promoting in the community, or have been inspired to change your attitude towards maths after reading our blog post feel free to send us your comments. 

We are heading to Dwr-Y-Felin to deliver maths fun days on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th March. We are also delivering our Finance for Life workshop in Ysgol Dewi Saint with year eight pupils, so stay tuned for more information on these workshops.

 Also, don't forget to check out our 'StoryTelling Project' section to see what workshops we have been administering with primary school pupils across Wales.

Thanks for reading! 
Don't forget to send us your feedback. 

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Dragons' Den Workshop in Powys PRU

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for a brand new blog post! 
Last week we delivered our popular Dragons' Den Workshop in Powys PRU, and we thoroughly enjoyed the day! We headed to Powys with the intention of showing young people how they can succeed in business by initially teaching them the basic skills for being an entrepreneur. 
The workshop initially taught the young individuals to understand entrepreneurship, and what it takes to become an entrepreneur. They identified modern-day entrepreneurs and considered Sir Alan Sugar to be a key role model for aspiring entrepreneurs. 

Working in small teams, the participants had to brainstorm ideas to consider what could be a successful, innovative product that would impress the Dragons, encouraging them to invest in their business idea. 

Once they had developed a business idea, participants then used their maths skills to calculate e.g., profit and loss, how much it would cost to make a prototype, and how much it would subsequently cost to create their final product etc., proving and highlighting our main aim, which is to demonstrate that maths is used in everyone's everyday and working lives. 

After fashioning their ideas, the participants then created their products, ensuring they used the best products they could get for the most affordable price. This part of the workshop was enjoyed by all. The learners began to really understand entrepreneurship, and how exciting and life-changing this workshop was to not only developing their maths skills, but also improving their other life skills e.g., working as part of a team, communication,  application of number, improving one's own learning and performance, and problem solving skills. 

Participants then prepared to meet the Dragons and confidently presented their finished products and business plans. 

We thoroughly enjoyed delivering the workshop, and we hope that we encouraged the participants to strive to reach their potentials, whether they are inspired to start their own businesses, or just want to find a part-time job. 

Thanks for reading! 
Don't forget to LIKE us on Facebook, and FOLLOW us on Twitter.