Tuesday 10 March 2015

We would love to hear your feedback!

Happy Wednesday!

 Since the What you say COUNTS! project began, we have administered various workshops, advertised, and attended events throughout Wales, and ultimately changed negative attitudes towards maths, and as the What You Say COUNTS! project will be coming to an end soon, we would love to get your feedback about our services. 

If you have been part of our workshops, spoken to us when we have been promoting in the community, or have been inspired to change your attitude towards maths after reading our blog post feel free to send us your comments. 

We are heading to Dwr-Y-Felin to deliver maths fun days on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th March. We are also delivering our Finance for Life workshop in Ysgol Dewi Saint with year eight pupils, so stay tuned for more information on these workshops.

 Also, don't forget to check out our 'StoryTelling Project' section to see what workshops we have been administering with primary school pupils across Wales.

Thanks for reading! 
Don't forget to send us your feedback. 

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